October 14, 2017

More on Earthquake, also a epidemic PT 2

Sept 2, 2006

Oh Lord who I love so much, Jesus whom loves me more may Mason detail more about the great earthquake of California and if there is a flu or epidemic coming...

Oh glorious soul child of ours, a pleasure always about thee with you. Managing well beside the grain of duties before thee. Planting seeds is wise and sure, make notes well of all said today. Counter many incidences unfolding with truthful light of love intended even if wishes all could change. Burden of world are necessary so fear not of these things. Comfort lies with this knowledge. Shuffle many expectants always. Farmers daughter rest not beneath the place chosen of fields, for soon crystals of light band together with unusual force beneath thee. Famous being literature of brands telling tales forever. Moment of events bring weary suttle minds into play, more actively as intended. In other words for all to wake up at once. Well needed and favored. Creation manages this with full birth of force in instance. Carbon rises for well before making stench. Ask soon and then be sure. Frantic girl will call soon enough. Channel all wanted as is easy to do and worthwhile. Camp David flys less activity of meaning. Capture moments to bare as witness to us. Climb forth with all one motivates also.
Panic will find way to ends of earth with flu assured. Rest easy as brilliance is not the reason. Forget what one knows and foster others in duty during time of  Humphreys dig. Fallen Angel repents little by way of advice and seeks near endangered species. Compare a lot made for only one. Care little of such a fight yet. Activity only shimmers in dull distance but wrath comes alongside. Fear not child just work and play. Side a brush with coming event with courage to prove thou value. Impeach what ought to have been for clearer ways later. Candles lit tell tale without much focus. Keep us close and will do little to let one down or release any such pains if possible.
Blessings come round again. Night.