August 02, 2016

Guidance and best time to do these sessions

Aug 1, 2016

So, child of purpose may your life linger with kindness shown from above without much toil. Share all things in reference that is not about these which leave less affection beyond that which works for greatest needs. Such values are sought when one listens. Bring one's beliefs to table for a merchant's place to surround self above that which plays about. Scenes such waste will not affect thee without honor for the Ballard plays mist. Fortitude conquers that which will be given so much else to ponder on.
Find that which one makes able. Bless thee for many will want to partake all. Share that which is given for thee to have. Live well each morn for life's sake. Worry only when one must but notions that permit one to see for use then. Love and joy will always reign over thee. Place cup beyond that once found as unattainable. Deserve always that which the master of life offers to thee. Blanket well the rest of one's way to glorify him who loves thee most. Notice changes about thee but with most, rare. Teach him as one see's fit to have and carry well the love that is required to begin.
Love then little one and be well with our blessing brought to one's nest of light always, Mason

Teach him as one see's fit to have and carry well the love that is required to begin: I believe they are adding a reference in regards to my grandsons homeschooling. Apparently encouraged.

The rest is great advice for anyone. If there is any predictions they wait for interpretation at that time.

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