December 14, 2017

Worries and Money in 2006

April 21, 2006
Oh Lord that I love, Jesus who loves me more. I give Thanks and ask if Mason may direct me now on money and worries and concerns?

Solvent one without the dubious mask of life shall many things be brought upon your table. Least known of where and why's but assured of peace. Let Miracles? lead you where one needs to go to be forthright in hands made perfect. Well to wish many things without pardoned breath to cares sake. Take lots of own self to where desired when appropriate direction is told. Fearless journey without crazy intent but that which will put harness of many ongoings. Brilliance lights up more shoulders to dwell and be known all in good time, never fails at the door one goes. Bringer of pottery and brand names that mark resolution of many things up most belonging to the ways of ill barrier. Kindness prevails always with love and beauty sought. Cry not for any losses, all brings perfection anyways. Shout at the last tender mile one must cross successfully upon the very intention. Waves still there, blind corners need cement of sorts. Gather many fearless friendships on way. Carter the means to progress so fear and doubt not but be still for now. Sense of litigation in a favor of needs met. Brought about for the day one waits until rest began new stages. Flounder nothing but life's wants and assure the best place comes. Arrive with meaning of the day. 
Blessings are but best for you and yours.

Solvent one without the dubious mask of life: People wear masks to hide their true selves, I do not. 
Carter the means to progress: Carter is to push a cart indicating push on to progress.
Does not indicate ease or major issues regarding money.

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