October 05, 2016

General Guidance

Oct 4, 2016
Oh Lord who I love so much, Jesus, who loves me more, may Mason guide me now and accept my apologies for not being consistent...

Try to see that which is of boundless adventures to know well. Thanks are accepted before asked. Sounds may wave through that known to thee with loving embrace. Assured that mentioned does bring much with binding cares. One told for much to concern the lasting measure when one wishes to question the means of arrival. Count now the days until we will assure you of all those things you can find able without any such losses one imagines will come. Seek the success you desire, plentiful when found.
Do not frown but lift upward towards stars always. Count again the things you seek. Open eyes to see beyond the mask of troubles, never see that only brought to meaningless ventures and sorrow. Kind will seek the moors of entrapment when not looking. Care about these matters of importance, not frivolous plays so many do. Be of good spirit always. Share love, for all, has meaning above, not to ponder but carry always.
Bless always amongst the righteous and shown ones love today. Frett not, for the best, is with many means of courtesy. We will and do love thee so much that worries should stay elsewhere. Loving embrace do comfort thee unaware many times over. Remain diligent in the very circle of duties one possesses, love brought in abundance thereof.
Do not frown but lift upward towards stars always: Smile always
Moors : A member of a Northwestern African Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent.
Kind: A group of people or things having similar characteristics.

October 01, 2016

The Big California Earthquake Pt 1

Aug 29, 2006
Oh Lord I love so much, Jesus who loves me more, may Mason tell me the date and time of the Big Earthquake of California coming?

May I have but a moment to reflect that one so fair of heart should promise little of these times to acknowledge us with kindness and mercy and willingness to aid you. Many thanks go forth and return as well.
Shine on with this openness of love and concern beheld up before thee. Listen only to the winds of Summer that pass silently with effort or experience. Shall forth come soon in time with willows bare and fruits unable. Beneath with wails of terror does this pass into the night bravely without warning. Canvas the main idea of tangible ways to break the tension that exists currently. Bow before God at that moment when thousands flee hopelessly. We do love all but necessity is forthcoming and with little warning. Branch outward to places unforeseen and within boundaries of charmer places.
Count days misplaced under siege when looking for the right time. Find the wells dry and October sun hidden moments prior to embellished time creating a major signal for the stars to act currently. Harvest of bread and meals for more closer moments. Numbers game feels towards the 10th of any Wednesday morning between now and then. Claim that with a motion picture debut of something, will make noise while watching feature events painlessly. Sort the days till then with care and do not think of more to do than wait.
Panic stricken's our consciousness and it best held at bay. This year is certain to allow more static of places that represents that which is in awe. Mountains will move soon, so prepare the battle of nature's walk, for hiding love can ignite much and replace fear with stones. Bountiful harvesting no more soon. Praise almighty while one can or watch the demise coming. Shine leaves that come at that time of condition and erratic behavior. Lesson learned unless one chooses not to care. Therefore it comes now. Blessings far away and on.

1 Trees bare
2 Happens in the night time/Dawn
3 Misplaced time?
4 Drought
5 Little warning
6 Spreads over land indicating not a small area
7 Harvest Time
8 Motion picture debut (Comedy?)
9 Indicate a lack of Love and praise of God is the reason for it!
10 Changing of Leaves 
11. Oct (wed)? Since 2006 there have been no 10th day on a wed until 2018.

August 08, 2016

Can we speak to passed loved ones?

March 20, 2006
Oh Lord that I love, Jesus, who loves me more may Mason direct me now and include if we can correspond with past loved ones.....

Brightness lights dark sojourn upward for heaven's light be it's true truth told along the path when many strange unusual needs are met through troubled times. Ways expressed and known beneath ways. Carry blindness ahead of the sight sought. Margin errors accidentally without words to speak. Find, listen, believe and frown upon only the grave. Bring with you things worth marking high and bright, less the motion of frantic ways. Some melodies perfection measures up or ahead of other listful motions of torrential means. Marks also with favorite blessings of right hand.
Jean will be sure of plans made. Never forgotten either by wendst one goes or follows. Care for all in making the circle back upon measures of loving embrace with thee. Find more of heart and kindness lived on through mentioned name for will power. Shine as much, for she is told of goodness and blessing found. No one listens less than the one who is told to surrender, but not from being without do we fear him. Cases will mention more from behind than others intend. Pardon that which is more for self-indulgence or else move in circles of strain.
Pray for salvation to hear of the goodness received, bend without movement and bellow without sound to know how to profit from the name given. Everyone expects more than received so loss is greater than gain. Tell tales to fulfill history with lessons yet learned. Notice all who have given something without asking and try to be just that. Care more without the expertise of the bringer of love and life. Just forget past mistakes with the heart of a lion for salvation of all ones being surrender yet a muscle or two for this kind of gain of will.
Blessed are those that be right in all one's sight forever more. Amen.

I find that this describes how to accomplish it and even mentions my Aunt Jean who is passed. Saying Amen in the end leads me to believe there is a prayer in this as well. 

August 02, 2016

Guidance and best time to do these sessions

Aug 1, 2016

So, child of purpose may your life linger with kindness shown from above without much toil. Share all things in reference that is not about these which leave less affection beyond that which works for greatest needs. Such values are sought when one listens. Bring one's beliefs to table for a merchant's place to surround self above that which plays about. Scenes such waste will not affect thee without honor for the Ballard plays mist. Fortitude conquers that which will be given so much else to ponder on.
Find that which one makes able. Bless thee for many will want to partake all. Share that which is given for thee to have. Live well each morn for life's sake. Worry only when one must but notions that permit one to see for use then. Love and joy will always reign over thee. Place cup beyond that once found as unattainable. Deserve always that which the master of life offers to thee. Blanket well the rest of one's way to glorify him who loves thee most. Notice changes about thee but with most, rare. Teach him as one see's fit to have and carry well the love that is required to begin.
Love then little one and be well with our blessing brought to one's nest of light always, Mason

Teach him as one see's fit to have and carry well the love that is required to begin: I believe they are adding a reference in regards to my grandsons homeschooling. Apparently encouraged.

The rest is great advice for anyone. If there is any predictions they wait for interpretation at that time.

Guidance and Time Travel

July 23, 2016
So much leaves ventures afloat. Let the well-being produce enough language as not to see into the past. Save the best knowledge abroad for time tells much. Let mascots tell one ever for the way is kind to not bend or alter such activities seen. Master that which is useful to connect vibration of self to that made of sequence. Permitted circumstances have been able to bring about the lasting conditions set.
Believe in ways that no person has. Sharpen the days of glory to tell one such place in mind. Further thought towards the most candid research to find the quest nightly, practice what should find means to hear the wells found. Make blanket to try to simulate findings where no one may bother thee. Kindness is something well known in ordinance. Beckon much in way of sharpen perception of physical plains. Temper the one dear as thee is willing. Bring about the cast to learn much. Forget the means you know well. Find one's way well and use knowledge now.
Blessing giving always. Caring for you in one's time of need with love, Mason

Let the well-being produce enough language as not to see into the past. Save the best knowledge abroad for time tells much. Let mascots tell one ever for the way is kind to not bend or alter such activities seen: Clearly advising against it or alter it in any way!

July 23, 2016

J's Legal Issues

July 22, 2016
Oh Lord who I love, Jesus, Who loves me more may Mason guide me now about J's Court Hearing....

What shall be in the way of wait. Let no harness confirm what is due to mistakes. Learn from that which makes less breach in fears. Negotiate things that alter the way one might expect in warranted Justice, but let not those reasons we feel may hinder one's ways. Come forth with natural boundaries when asked. Flight not reason that ties together love. Find one that makes dual process granted, not likely found amongst the properties lest melted songs find way to challenge the freedom that does exist.
Love all the many ideas and enemies in spite of the jungles roar. Partake the longest yet further. Moist waters able with honor of secular notion. Time is of importance on this occasion. Will let one be about the flattery of money. Find a kinder way to express self. Ask not the lenient value of things but progress with ease. Shine with much beginnings of self-indulgence that is permissible on occasion.
Sign papers that tell of binding laws to benefit youngster. Feel free to share findings along way. May your dreams always rise above and after success continuous.
                                         Blessings now and later and forever bound, Mason

The outcome was only 22 days in jail. Hardly worth mentioning since he was looking at 22 years. But the money mentioned is worth noting because even the Lawyer was surprised by the amount of restitution imposed. The entire incident was unfair but according to the Guides, a benefit to J. A lesson perhaps. He also received two years probation, 'Sign papers that tell of binding laws to benefit youngster'

July 22, 2016

'06 Am I safe?

Jan 30, 2006
Lord who I love so much, Jesus who loves me more may the Guides reveal themselves and safety....

Subservient maiden of the North let us guide you well. Make shift, no request of other means. Losen well, flexible ways trying to see into one's life. Make havoc dominate, bruise unnecessary. Join forces with love to bare one's burden. Don't look back shining star. Be free from burdens cares. Knotch well. lock times envy no one but loss, strategy mentioned well when a prophet before, you'll know what is meant by time. Listen, grasp a care. Sound, break loose again. Succeed well. Dominate self well. Tony will return but fourth in line. Don't wait for bus or round bend, just go where needs be. Lesson casual linger and beat the dusk or mention well told. Time is essence for the narrow plague or sorrow. Be it not for you though, we assure. In cases like this understood well, pattern is aligned not broken. Important soul journ one like many wise times known assure. Love, bless and be whole, make ways around all.
Shine like a star, blessed as you are. Tell all you can to all you can. Friends now spend blessings right today. Alls assured for you. Bless now. Carry until maid done, almost there. Patients. Carter drawn away. Mention lose hands. Praise upon, above and near. Love listens well.
Good day then, bless you all now.

Interestingly when this was written I lived in Florida but I was raised in the north, NH.  Little did I know at the time what they were insinuating. The reason I asked if I was safe was because three months earlier I was nearly kidnapped and this incident was detailed in this writing. They even give me the name of the man who attacked me, which I did not know since he was never caught. It was suspected to be a hit from my ex husband.

Make shift, no request of other means = It seems to indicate that my escape would prompt all attempts against my safety to stop. The word 'Request' tells me our suspicions may have been accurate. 

Make havoc dominate, bruise unnecessary = I created a scene and the attempt on my life was unnecessary.

Don't look back shining star. Be free from burdens cares = This tells me danger was in the past and not to reflect because I was no longer in danger.

strategy mentioned well when a prophet before, you'll know what is meant by time = My brother was a psychic who I think they refer to as 'prophet'. The reason is because my ex was afraid of my brother and I was safe when he was alive. The kidnapping attempt happened 3 days after my brothers death. Timing was important and it is insinuated it was a strategic move.

Tony will return but fourth in line. Don't wait for bus or round bend, just go where needs be. Lesson casual linger and beat the dusk or mention well told = The man's name given is Tony. I know no one by that name to this day. The actual incident happened at a bus stop around the corner from my house. This describes the area perfectly. Fourth in line indicates he may have been the fourth to seek me out but with the guides mentioning the prophet and timing, my brother may have thwarted the others before his death, but this one nearly succeeded because it happened right after my brothers passing.

Be it not for you though, we assure. In cases like this understood well, pattern is aligned not broken = They assure me this will not happen to me. The 'pattern' must be that we all have one and it can be broken through murder but mine is assured by them to stay aligned. I found this to be an interesting statement. Continuing on a straight path (aligned). 

Important soul journ one like many wise times known assure. = Apparently I have an important soul journey on Earth and this indicates reincarnation many times.

Carry until maid done, almost there. Patients. Carter drawn away = This is uncertain. However looking up the meanings of the word Carry and Maid I understand it could reference my supporting a young virgin, possibly my daughter who was 7 at the time of the event, my ex's child, and the carter is someone pushing a cart. This references for the Carter to abandon the mission. Indicates I will live to see daughter become a woman.

July 21, 2016

Asking about my money

July 20, 2016
Oh Lord who I love so much, Jesus, who loves me more may Mason guide me about money....

Oh Child of love and abundance shall grace be upon you. Manage freely way to be at peace. Call upon the most high for assurance, leave all about the way for thee to know. Shadow places worth enough to bare one's way with profit. Share all had without knowing of many kinds of debts one has. Count the blessings understood to do much with lots for your livelihood. Shimmer more so to the talents one has before way clear. Try to need that which is of lesser value than one thinks.
Name one to be precious when they call to assure the best plan. Continue on, so much can come later. Have success and faith for all to see when time arrives with gain. Blessed are you for making ways with sounds silent. Continue for more to come, make homage plentiful soon.
Pleasure to be of kindness and service. Shine the light of love until the next time known.
                                                                       Blessings, Mason

Call upon the most high for assurance, leave all about the way for thee to know = Pray and leave it to God

Share all had without knowing of many kinds of debts one has = Regardless of my own debt's I am to help others financially

Lots = meaning 'a particular group, collection, or set of people or things' They say livelihood and it so happens I am in the home healthcare business. The amount of clients and amount of time spent with them determines my income. They say this job is a blessing. 

Making ways with sounds silent. Continue for more to come, make homage plentiful soon = I don't complain and later there will be a  larger increase in income.

General Guidance

July 16,2016
Oh Lord Whom I love so much, Jesus, who loves me more may Mason guide me now....

Beautiful creature of far reaches of the hemisphere know well what is of tomorrow and reach for unknown destinations afar. Little to need. Seek that which is readily available to all. Show well the way which is natural. Find peace and sunlight above the circle for where it is directed. Favor some that does call on thee to shower love and abundance always. Use that one knows well to succeed with blessings about. Kindness again does well. Feel free to go about wishing somber thoughts that radiate love too. Calmly embellish that which brings more of same when asked. Notice the wants for other's sake. Embrace all with softness. Cruelty often makes way for talents unknown to create .
Blessed is the world for its sake when Heavens open, then shall one most high be honored with righteous approach and love. Can not say enough. Bring about laws that will keep paces, can endure the best through hope and logic. You will be fine. Blessings reach all today with loving embrace. Nurture all along way to find correct homage.
                                                              Love Always, Mason

Reach for unknown destinations afar = Indicating I will travel again one day

Find peace and sunlight above the circle for where it is directed. = I believe they mean God. And is this mention of the firmament that covers the earth mentioned in the bible?

Calmly embellish that which brings more of same when asked = Return Favors

Cruelty often makes way for talents unknown to create = Cruelty or insults have a purpose that improves us

General Guidance

July 15, 2016
Oh Lord who I love so much, Jesus, who loves me more may Mason guide me now....

Still waters run by with absolution of many ways to show the way to take. Let us not begin with many fine tries but conquer that which is and was to be. Shake forth love which will do as if one should always. Cast aside that honor which blends together those ways offered. Try then to put together a means which one should be able. Test that ground which is beneath thee. Soar for promises made well. Take one offer that comes through sides unknown to tell one deed for many. Miles distinguished that whose shame keeps love apart to often. Attempt to play as often as one can, to show that which can.
Blend together a bar from the back that needs no questioning. Tell many of excursions amidst a plain that covers some barriers unseen to those that play. Find a way to manage, seek one often. Come away to show love, make merry places where everyone goes. Shadow less a sphere than other. Stand out. Loneliness does divide but honor and well wishes brings all together, even if one thinks not. Be still for now and show courtesy for all. For you have the will to do all set out for. Look about eagerly to see the hill before thee that loves to be climbed. Challenge no one that is unnecessary. Have feast for kindness.
Shine and love does seek thee in so much as reversed. Try to be outside always when able. Take the whistle to announce one's arrival. Notice all things to find beauty around thee. Let not anyone blind you precious one. Same is upon one so true. Carry self so all will find comfort at the sight of your pleasantries.
Be well with blessings of love and for all to see always this evening.
                                                                              Goodnight, Mason

This is advice everyone should follow.

Still waters run by with absolution of many ways to show the way to take = Be still to find the choice that is right

Blend together a bar from the back that needs no questioning = A bar is also a 'barrier'
Loneliness does divide = The result of loneliness

Same = Is an expression used in many writings that refer to God

July 20, 2016

July 14, 2016 (First after five years)

July 14, 2016
Oh Lord whom I love, Jesus, who loves me more may I speak with Mason.....

So much to speak of still, for such time passed willingly. Loves notions of us do prevail with sound unlike one's own habitats place in sunlight. Sounds to share. Fears do rush without max, to lead astray. Do well unto others as the proverbs order without a glance to make endeavor to branch outward from a place one longs for. Destiny reached eventually without a branch to hold.
Soon able to see far with no force lean.
Another day comes soon to please without anxious swells. Be of good heart and remain near for us to hold close. Share many days ahead, awake and clear. Love blossoms prevail. Thanks are in order for reuniting self well.
                                                     Good Night, Mason

Such time passed willingly = I stopped writing of my own free will. They acknowledge I chose not to converse.

Fears do rush without max, to lead astray = I was afraid to begin conversing again since so much time passed. They indicate I had a heightened fear (max) and that fear is what leads us astray. Harder to converse accurately with someone who is afraid to allow it! They are right.

Soon able to see with no force lean = Force Lean is a health training program to stay healthier. Obvious indication would be that I would soon see without having to have healthy eyes to see with. I had to get glasses just this year and I can't see crap without them. They indicate this makes no different to the sight they speak of.

Other sentences advise I do well by others and I do not need to find branches to hold to find my destiny or what I long for, it reached out to me (branches) me and I won't need to hold on to it, as we do when we think we might lose something we have. What comes will arrive without my efforts so long as I am treating others well.

Thanks are in order for reuniting self well = They are thanking me for returning to converse with them. It has been years after all!

Love blossoms prevail = Meaning of Blossom...'to develop successfully:flourish'

Masons Poem

I asked Mason to write a poem. This was in our early days of conversing. I love poetry! But what they wrote took me by surprise. Written on Aug. 19, 2006.

Mark a nation for destruction,
had not been well back then, when all was young
whose to say but those of ancient times, having heard this time before. 
Perhaps of love one may miss what was to come,
though such remorse is unfelt without experience. 
So sing praise that we live to serve, 
or all else perish too!                           
                                                              Mason   ~